Friday, December 30, 2011

Lola's Quilt

Back in the late 80's and early 90's, Lola hand embroidered the 50 state flowers on individual squares. She always wanted to make a quilt out of them but was unable to due too a decrease in her eyesight. Earlier this year her daughter Heidi resurected the squares and contacted me to make her the quilt. I was honored and delighted. And scared.
We decieded to set the squares on point.
This is the "map" I made to keep the states in order.
Progressing along.
Once all the states were in place, my friend Susan Jones quilted it. Lola likes butterflies so there is a butterfly print on the back and Susan even quilted in random butterflies. After all that, I made the scalloped edges. Boy was I scared to start cutting on those! Also had to make lots and lots of bias binding.
Then Ta-Da, here is Lola with her quilt!

Check out that embroidery! All by hand! Amazing.